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DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-668. Fixed with SET INTEGRITY

By TY Tuesday, October 13, 2015

After I migrated my DB2 data to a new machine, I encountered "DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-668".
At first, I thought that I can do a table reorg to fix it.  However, when I issue the reorg command, the same error code -668 was returned.

After some searching, the solution is to set integrity for the affected tables.

1. To find all the affected tables.
select 'set integrity for '||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||' immediate checked' from syscat.tables where status = 'C'

2. Copy and paste the generated statements into db2 console.

3. Repeat a few times to clear all the tables so that the SQL from step 1 returns no more row.

Note, you may experience cyclic dependency on your tables that you are not able to clear. You can check out this post on cyclical dependencies and set integrity for db2.

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