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Mac OS profile not loading in terminal

By TY → Sunday, October 11, 2015

This issue happened for me after installing google cloud engine for kubernetes.
After some search, This have helped me resolved it. The profile was not loaded in the terminal because .bash_profile exist.

  1. Move the following into the end of your "~/.profile"
    # The next line updates PATH for the Google Cloud SDK.
    source '/opt/App/google-cloud-sdk/'
    # The next line enables bash completion for gcloud.
    source '/opt/App/google-cloud-sdk/'
  2. Rename "~/.bash_profile" as "~/.bash_profile_old"

Reference :

Kubernetes, Vagrant on Mac OSX

By TY → Monday, June 8, 2015

I was having a bit of trouble building kubernetes based on Vagrant on Mac OSX.

Seems like the issue is mainly due to wget complains about HTTPS certificates. So tweaked the scripts a bit to fix the error to successfully load the Kubernetes example.

curl -sS | bash

Use the above instead of the example from Kubernetes' documents.
curl -sS | bash

You can check out the tweaked to the script at GitHub. Basically, just add a flag to wget command so as not to check cert.